Homes image


Clean­ing Bees of­fers re­cur­ring home clean­ing ser­vices that are pro­vided weekly or every other week. Our stan­dard home clean­ing ser­vice is a main­te­nance ser­vice. After the ini­tial de­tailed clean­ing, our reg­u­lar clean­ing ap­point­ments will help you keep your house clean.

Request estimate now!


  • Dusting furniture, light fixtures, blinds, and window sills
  • Cleaning countertops and backsplash
  • Cleaning the stovetop and the outside of the oven
  • Scrubbing and disinfecting sinks and sink fixtures
  • Wiping and polishing stainless-steel appliances
  • Wiping glass surfaces with glass cleaner
  • Wiping other surfaces with multi-purpose cleaner
  • Wiping the inside of the microwave
  • Wiping and polishing cabinets
  • Vacuuming and mopping the floor
  • Taking out the trash
Kitchens image


  • Dusting shelves, pictures, light fixtures, blinds, and window sills
  • Scrubbing and disinfecting tubs and showers
  • Scrubbing and disinfecting sinks and faucets
  • Scrubbing and disinfecting toilets (inside and outside)
  • Cleaning vanity cabinets, countertops, and mirrors
  • Vacuuming floors and bath rugs
  • Mopping floors
  • Taking out the trash
Bathrooms image

Bedrooms and other living areas

  • Dusting furniture, pictures, light fixtures, blinds, and window sills
  • Polishing wood furniture
  • Cleaning mirrors and glass surfaces
  • Wiping other surfaces with multi-purpose cleaner
  • Vacuuming carpets and mopping floors
  • Making beds and changing linens (extra charges apply)
  • Taking out the trash
Bedrooms image

Special requests

In ad­di­tion to stan­dard clean­ing, the client can al­ways re­quest a spe­cial ser­vice, such as a de­tailed re­frig­er­a­tor or oven clean­ing, win­dows wash­ing (in­side only), or vac­u­um­ing of the up­hol­stery. We take spe­cial re­quests up to 24 hours be­fore your next sched­uled clean­ing. Based on our avail­abil­ity, we will per­form these extra tasks dur­ing your sched­uled clean­ing or will sched­ule a sep­a­rate ap­point­ment. Extra charges will apply. We will give you an es­ti­mate, but, de­pend­ing on the task, we may have to charge by the hour at our stan­dard hourly rate. Feel free to ask us about any ser­vices not listed.

Special requests image

Services not provided

Our staff is in­structed to leave cer­tain items un­touched, such as items or areas con­tain­ing any bio-haz­ard ma­te­ri­als, bod­ily flu­ids or ex­cre­tions, and lit­ter boxes. If your pet has an ac­ci­dent or vom­its, it will be your re­spon­si­bil­ity to clean it up; our teams are ad­vised to clean around these areas. Our em­ploy­ees can not climb higher than a step stool, work on the out­side of your home, move fur­ni­ture that con­tains elec­tron­ics, lift any ob­jects heav­ier than 35 pounds, pre­pare meals, empty di­a­per pails, or pro­vide any pet or chil­dren-re­lated ser­vices.

Not provided image