
The clean­ing fee is cal­cu­lated based on the size of the res­i­dence, the num­ber of bath­rooms and bed­rooms, the type of floors (hard­wood or car­pet), and the over­all lev­els of clut­ter and clean­li­ness. It is cal­cu­lated by mul­ti­ply­ing the time (min­utes) it takes to com­plete each clean­ing task by our stan­dard hourly rate. We also re­serve 15 min­utes for load­ing and un­load­ing equip­ment and sup­plies. For each clean­ing job we have a min­i­mum of 3 labor hours.

Estimate image

Estimate request

Please fill out and sub­mit the Es­ti­mate Re­quest form below if you wish to know how much it will cost to clean your home or of­fice. Our man­ager will con­tact you to sched­ule an es­ti­mate ap­point­ment. We will work with you to de­ter­mine your clean­ing needs and cre­ate a tai­lored clean­ing plan.

Contact information
Service information
Property type
Cleaning schedule
Estimate appointment

Please specify the desired time and date for your service estimate appointment.

  1. 08:00 AM
  2. 09:00 AM
  3. 10:00 AM
  4. 11:00 AM
  5. 12:00 PM
  6. 01:00 PM
  7. 02:00 PM
  8. 03:00 PM
  9. 04:00 PM
Additional information

If you selected the Other option for property type or cleaning schedule, please provide the details of your request in the Message field.

Popular questions


Are you insured and bonded?


Yes, we are fully in­sured and bonded for your pro­tec­tion and peace of mind. We can pro­vide proof of in­sur­ance at the time of each es­ti­mate.